Sunday, September 25, 2016

Ruth Begins

Ruth joined the family
The family of the visitors from Bethlehem
The strangers who arrived with stories
Of famine from the City of Bread
Ruth joined the family
When she married a son
And a new rhythm of life began
As she learned of new ways
And a new God
A God of love and miracles and rescue
And yet the sadness continued
As husband after husband after husband
Naomi, Orpah and Ruth 
Alone with Naomi's God
Then news of bread arrived
And Naomi packed to go home
She began her travels with two daughters
In tow
But why take them to more sadness
So she sent them to their fathers' homes
To find new husbands and old gods
Only Ruth refused
An old god
She strengthened her ties to Naomi and
This new God and threw herself
Into His hands with a fervent trust
Leaving them to travel on together
To Bethlehem
Where the barley harvest had begun
Arrival meant a new busyness for Ruth
As Naomi announced her emptiness
With a new name--Mara
And bitterness arrived at her old home
Without the comfort of husband or sons

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