Monday, September 26, 2016

Ruth Again

Naomi was facing hunger and poverty
As a barren widow in Bethlehem
But Ruth stepped in to fill
The emptiness 
Gleaning became a way to find food
But it would be so little
So Ruth asked Boaz for permission
To work among the harvesters
Rather than the gleaners
His acceptance 
Sent food from the field
And food from the table home for Naomi
In bountiful amounts--
Naomi's joy in God
Began to emerge
As the emptiness began to fill
And soon Naomi noticed Ruth
Recognized her as a foreigner in Israel 
And wanted to find a home for her
A place of protection 
In a land where Moabites were distrusted
Naomi hatched a plan
To get Ruth married
In a time and place where widowhood and barrenness 
Meant misery and hardship 
But Ruth wouldn't leave Naomi behind
She'd accept a husband
Only if the result would elevate Naomi
From emptiness 
And so she must know
Would Boaz partner with her
In a scheme to return Naomi's land
To being a place of bread?

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