Monday, August 31, 2015


Scattered thoughts--
The single idea is elusive--
Time to recover from the crazy weekend--
Visit from our daughter and son
Visit with Dad and family
Then went to church by myself
(the new reality with Andrew as pastor elsewhere)
Before lunch out with Andrew to meet the people he'll work with
A full weekend
Now is the time for quiet
--And a long walk
Settle my thoughts
To write my story
My story--what brought me to this point?
Why has my heart drawn me to work with the Karen community?

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Long walks down by the lake
Soccor teams coached
Scouts helped while Carl was there
Busy at church
--Or busy away from church
Overtime at GM
Books and more books
Concern for your family of four
Fifty years (almost 51) with Mom
Long walks at the Oshawa Centre
Politics and the NDP
Hard drinks and opinions
Plans for your next trip
Chipmunks in the backyard
Goldfish in the rainbarrow
Long walks at the Ability Centre
Well Dad--it's been a full 80 years
Happy birthday!

Friday, August 28, 2015


There once was a girl in Whitby
Who wanted to express her heart on paper
But got discouraged by the grades
In English class

There now is a woman in London
Who is putting that behind her
By letting her words find their way to paper 
Every day


Device designed to help
Do my work
Plans for teaching, writing, editing
Word upon word strung together
Ready to go

Thursday, August 27, 2015


The cheep
Breaks the morning silence
In an ongoing song
Evidence of wildness
In town


Language barriers
Create walls between people
But there must be a way through
For those new to the country
Their children often pierce the walls quickly
But thriving needs to be an option
For the parents as well
Would a hands-on Bible study
Be more effective
Than a conversation circle?
With Bible training and
Heart engagement
English fluency would seem secondary
To the task at hand
And yet would still result

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Avoided as a timewaster
And yet
When the pain laid me on my back for
Hours on end
It provided encouragement
. . . for good health
. . . to follow dreams
. . . to write


A buzz
Gentle touchdown
Colour and transparency
Hovering a moment
And it's off faster than my eyes
Can follow

My Study

Desk in the centre
Surrounded by books
Gazing out the window
That looks out at the green of a maple tree
A daybed for a reading corner
It's an amazing space
Into the world of ideas
And words
A soothing retreat behind a closed door

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


A desk
For new writing
Surrounded by my books
--Friends of a lifetime gathered here
With me

African Violets

In a small pot
Mem'ries of Aunt Irene
Settled on my own window sill
--Joy spot


A work space is shaping up
As we arrange and rearrange the furniture
A little house
Being maximized for two
Music room and t.v. room for him
Study with a window and a swing on the back deck for her
Once its all been moved around
Many shelves of books to sort and simplify
And african violets to pot for the window sill
We can settle to work routines
And living routines
That allow individual work space
And togetherness
All under one roof

Monday, August 24, 2015


Learning to write is an interesting approach to life
Putting thoughts on paper where others can view them
Is scary on some level
After a lifetime of keeping them hidden inside
Is this where I will meet other minds
As we struggle to understand
The life You have given us to live?
But through it all is the call to love
--May these words contribute to moving fences
And tearing down walls
So that all people can find Your love, Lord


Trust You
Ev'ry moment--
With our reality
Because knowing comes in hindsight--
For peace


Prophecy is an interesting
Element of life--
Easy to ignore
And yet how often do You speak
Through us before the reality?
We walked into a church
With him saying "It needs to close"
And it did.
And now I'm walking toward ordination and a Bible study
Saying "There needs to be a school for thriving"
Only when we look back will we know
If they are words from You

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Well Andrew, my dearest Andrew,
Today's the day--
35 years married (to each other!)
And still facing the future together
It has been a fascinating time
To follow the Lord together--
Pastor and wife
New places: Arnstein, Brockville, London
Raising a beloved daughter
Studying God's Word
Walking--always being drawn back to walking
A bicycle built for two
Many elements to a life together
Apartments and houses
Anywhere can be home
Now on the verge of a new adventure
Pastor and missionary
Still working in the Lord's field
Even as we begin to work at different churches
We are still one family--together

with lots and lots of love,

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Hope Bible Institute

A freedom that is new is filling me
Bringing joy
That will move me forward
Into the dream of twenty years--
A school
That initiates thriving
By bringing minds and hearts deep into Your Word
And tongues fluently into English
The plan is simple
The speed is slow
The guide is the Holy Spirit
Through the Word

Let's go!

Friday, August 21, 2015

About To Begin

Arranged by You
Work, ordination, school--
Moving forward by Your guidance
Thank You

(English speaking)
At the Chinese church here
Fin'lly to work with You only
Not me

I move
Toward new things
As a missionary--
Teaching, writing, ordination
Through You

Thursday, August 20, 2015

ABCs Moving In

ABC books have long been favourites--
Before I ever wrote ABC poems
Catching a structure that helps form my thoughts
Demanding more than just a few syllables
Excavating my memories
For gold . . . or coal
Going longer than Haiku or Cinquain
Homing in on the underpinnings
Just searching for You, Lord
Knowing You
Live inside
Makes my world secure
New excavations daily lead to new discoveries of You
Open my heart, open my eyes--open my mind
Retreat from the chaos outside into the 
Security of You
Tangled emotions can rest
Under the reality of 
Vindication through repentance 
Wherever I am
eXtreme living water wells up
Yielding life everlasting--the

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Four feet moving while we talk
As we go for a long country walk

The sounds in the bush cause us to balk
Is a coyote or bear also out for a walk?

The sight of the soaring hawk
High above the steps of our walk

The silence suddenly rent with a squawk
As we see the flit of blue jays above the walk


The long distance--slow
With room for thoughts to soar high
Above the footsteps


Long walks
Into silence
Give room for thoughts to grow
To explore my internal depths
To rest

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Early Morning

An early morning with paper and pencil
Before me
Considering what to write about
Doing the brain clearing
Exercise of writing of everything and nothing
For twenty minutes before
Getting ready to tackle a topic or two.
Home is a relaxing place to write each day
In the atmosphere of my office
Just arranged for me
Knowing the door is closed
Leaving me free to concentrate.
My thoughts
Needed for consideration
Open to words that are
Ruthlessly (or gently)
Seeking a kernel of
Truth to express onto the page
Under my window that 
Views the tree providing shelter and . . .
Whenever it
eXtends its reach into my thoughts
Yielding inspiration Ay to

Monday, August 17, 2015


A flurry of wings off in the
Bushes as we walk by--
Darting through the greenery
Ever searching
For food.
Great egrets wading in the river before flying
High into the trees--stark white against more green.
Into the sounds of mourning doves and blue jays
Just walking along the paved path
Knowing we are surrounded by wild birds
Looking for food and shelter.
Mother and father sparrow feeding their young
Now and throughout the summer
Out of reach of the neighbourhood cat
Perched on the roof of our car
Quietly watching the busy birds.
Robins on the ground
Searching for worms
Turning heads sharply to hear the movement
Value in the calmness of 
Watching the birds
eXactly where they live--even the
Yellow goldfinch
Zeroing in on a feast of thistle seeds.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Carl (Happy Birthday)

A baby brother entered the scene
Back in the days when life was simpler
Carl was his name
Danger was his game--
Even with signed permission in a letter
For dirt bike rides through the  fields.
Getting out with friends
He avoided three older sisters
Intent on the world as he saw it
Just following his path.
Karl and Carl hung out when  they were young, but
Life always included friends
Motorcycles grew until
Now a Harley Davidson
On the road gets him around.
Past days in the fields
Questing adventure
Readied him for
Solo trips to work and group
Trips with Monique
Until life is simply an adventure
Veering toward the sunset
With Monique at his side
eXalting just as much in the freedom of the road
Yes--she has her own motorcycle--
Zooming down the highway together.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Flying Solo

A fear of flying solo
Brings a person down to nothing
Certain she needs more communication--
Decisions are impossible without a permanent team
Ever needing reassurance 
Finds her lost and alone and in the end unable to work
Going alone is part of life
Helplessness is rejected
In pursuit of the dream in the heart
Just fly solo
Knowing that others will eventually join the team
Live now and
Move toward the goal enjoying life
Now truly is key
Operate in the moment--even when that includes flying solo
Possibilities explode when
Questions don't demand
Results different from reality
Seek the goal
Then enjoy the path that is actually 
Viewing the results
With love and
Yet allowing others to add
Zest when they are ready

Friday, August 14, 2015

Priming the Pump

In haste to clear
Clutter filled to edges
Space now left to focus my thoughts
With ink

Priming the Pump

Clear thoughts by writing
To focus thoughts on details
Words both splashed and planned

Priming the Pump

Priming the pump
To experience water in a gush
Feed the pump water
Priming the pump
Clearing the writer's mind to focus
To experience the words in a rush
Priming the pump
To experience water in a gush

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Stepping Forward

Confidence grows
As You settle the path
Before me
Ordination to seek
School to open
All part of movement
Toward newcomers thriving in Canada
By thriving in You


on country
steps forward
soon followed
fawn prancing

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Still holding back
With no decision in sight
He decides
Then he hasn't decided
Back and forth it goes
It's never been a difficult decision before
Why is it this time?


The floorboards squeak
As he walks above me--
Writing behind a closed door
Leaves me open to sounds
The tock of the clock
The squeak of the floor
The chirp of the crickets
Singing outside the window
Waking and writing
As the neighbourhood
Begins to move

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Greg and Kelly (Happy 25th Anniversary)

Together in love
Bound by a link of marriage
With Katie and James

Ministry focused
Yet following the Lord where
He leads--step by step

Home filled with laughter
Yet striving to reach out with 
The love of Jesus

Twenty-five years since
They said "I do"--lots of time
To show it's for real

Monday, August 10, 2015


A man on fire--preaching Your word, Lord
Before a small group of people
Coming to this small town just
Days after the funeral of a friend
Entering again the world of presenting You
For others to hear
Going into Your word
Holding forth that truth
In Your name
Just as Your Spirit
Leading him:
Now renewing as it
Opens in a new location to 
Present You to a new group of people seeking
Quality from Your word as we
Seek Your kingdom now
Through life today so that we
Understand truth balanced with love: the gospel
Vindicates all
Who will believe the
eXistence of God in human flesh as Saviour
Zero in on the essential gospel truth

Saturday, August 8, 2015

My Story

A young woman at Hope Baptist Church
Began a Precept Upon Precept Bible study
Calling for those wishing to grow
Deep in God's word
Even as she 
Focused on this one church
God showed her the world coming to the city
Hope for a source of thriving
In this new land
Just flooded her heart
Knowing from family history the
Lack of thriving language barriers
Make--the dream deepened into a
New hope
On the way through a school: Hope Bible Institute
Pointedly aimed at thriving
Questing to grow Lordship and language
Resting in an ongoing routine of study with a
Simple study method even as it
Takes people deep
Understanding words and ideas
Viewed through the Bible
Wanting to see
eXcitement in eyes as abundance--
Yes--abundance thrives in a growing
Zest for life

Friday, August 7, 2015


Purr throttles
climbs onto
lap demanding


Born to die--something that each of us faces
Whether we flare for a brief moment 
Or simmer a long steady time
We are--born to die
And yet You, Lord
Offer us eternity if we will grab Your hand
To run with You
To dance with You
To walk with You

My life spills out onto the earth
Where it will simply be soaked into nothingness
But You provide an escape, Lord
And with that escape comes life
--eternal, abundant, free
Welling up and spilling over always

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Moving Forward

A little girl from Brockville
Became a young woman in Windsor
Creating a home
Designed for two
Everything just right
For life together
Going to work and enjoying
In the walkup
Just a few minute stroll from the river
Life is
Moving forward for them.
Now is the time for training
Opening doors to careers
Perceiving this will be
Quite a life as family
Running a home
Seeking the future
Together as a 
Unit of two
Voicing plans
Who, what, where, when--why?
eXcitement of 
Youth expressed in a 
Zest for life as one in God

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Month of family celebrations--
three birthdays together
the founding anniversary
--only memory
heat falters momentarily
then returns intensity
but summer 
is beginning
wane into
an ending
school becomes
new focus
be studying
for ordination
Hope Bible Institute?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


He's reading this blog
The one who seemed not to know it existed
Is now aware
And his anger is surfacing
Just as it did years ago when I'd write cards to encourage him
And I'd get hit with a wall of anger
I write
He gets angry
It hurts as it rips into my soul


We look for answers--
But often they hang in the air a long time
Playing peek-a-boo around dreadful possibilities

Monday, August 3, 2015


Language acquisition for a new home country
Provides a challenge for refugees
It often comes down to work versus language
Since the jobs to be found with poor english
Aren't jobs that increase language fluency

How can we tackle this inequality?
The first generation here . . . isn't to be lost
Thriving is possible
Thriving is doable
Thriving may simply need a little help

Something to study
On an ongoing basis
That uses the language
But is focused on ideas
Through the difficult language
--Then language growth is unmeasured

Full Free Lives

In a country at war with its own people
How do people live full free lives?
A war that is buried out of the headlines
Because the war has been destroying 
Country and people for more than sixty years
Free full lives
The goal of an aid agency
Will it ever become the goal
Of the ruling class?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Writing a Novel

An adventure in writing
Began with the scribbling of a novel filled with a 
Cast of characters
Developed to tell a story that was
Entered into a writing contest
For Canadians
Growing to be writers
Hoping to publish their work
Knowing someone is
Looking at
My work to evaluate it--
Not a winner this time but
On to the next step: editing
Processing the thoughts
Quizzing the choice of words
Reflecting the picture in the mind
So that the 
Tale is easy to 
Visualize it in my thoughts
When reading does it generate
Yes, do the characters live with 

Two and Yet One

Two different paths
Yet side by side as family
Walking in unity
Pastor and teacher in this city
Lord, it begins this month
So that by September it will be established
And yet many pieces remain to organize
To begin a school for new Canadians
To grow deep into their walk with You