Sunday, September 13, 2015

Thanks Pinterest!

Lying on my back in pain
Hour after hour
Over the course of a few weeks
With little to do
I couldn't read books for long
Facebook doesn't fill that much time
Finally I asked my daughter
To sign me up for pinterest
I signed up
And began to collect
Things that took up no space in my house
     It reminded me of my mother's files
     Magazine articles
     Newspaper items
     Carefully saved and filed away
As I lay there collecting
Information and encouragement
I began to notice
I was drawn like a squirrel to bird seed
To information about writing
Over the weeks
The encouragement gently prodded
By the time the pain was gone
I was serious to begin
--First a mystery novel
--Then poetry on a blog
We'll see where the journey leads
Thank you pinterest!

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