Thursday, March 31, 2016

Another Ending

Another month is ending
Even as the year still feels brand new
How does time speed up like this
As I get older?
And yet the constant through it all
Is you, Lord
Whether I am out walking in the rain
Or meeting with others to discuss websites
Making dinner for two
Or planning a party to launch a book
Through it all
You are the only constant guaranteed
And, Lord, that allows my happiness
Knowing I can never lose You

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


A letter
A phone call and
Memories come rushing back
Of years past and moments in time
When the people in another place
Were part of our story
And yet our lives have continued
Out of sight of each other
You, Lord, bring people together
For a time
Or a moment
Only to change it all again
Another day
But the memories remain
Buried under the rush of now

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Joy Surfaces

The relentless movement of time
Can overwhelm
Until a spark of joy finds its way
To the surface
And a smile lights up life
From the inside
And You, Lord, provide that joy
As I remember
This is all a gift from You

Monday, March 28, 2016

A Walk

A walk in the woods
With visitors as the spring flowers
Awake and emerge
From the cold ground of winter
To brighten the wilderness

He Is Risen

Hallelujah! The dead has
Escaped the grave
In triumph
Set free by the power of God
Risen to glory
In the heavenly places
Seated on the throne
Eternally God
Never again facing death

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Exodus (Part 4)

Moses stepped into the story
When he left the palace
To see his own people
But death followed him
As anger erupted in his bid to see justice done
And death became his response to mistreatment
But secrets don't stay hidden
And he fled to Midian and a new life
As a shepherd

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Exodus (Part 3)

Lord, You work slowly
When You set in place
A shift of massive proportions
And so Moses grew into his calling
One simple breath at a time
Eighty years in Egypt as prince
And in Midian as the tender of sheep
But each piece has its place
In the story of You, Lord
Setting Your people free
From the tyranny of oppression

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Exodus (Part 2)

Moses faced death from the beginning
A baby boy born under an evil law
That demanded his death
Yet You formed a coalition to keep him
Alive and thriving
His parents kept him quiet for three months
Before they released him to Your care on the Nile
Where a royal princess stepped in
To protect him as her own son
And so the baby sent to release a nation
Grew up in the enemy palace


The dreams spark from the heart
Without me seeing them coming
They dwell in my imagination
For a time
Intense, vivid--so real
And then are replaced by another
Yet over time each returns 
With more clarity
And the ongoing ability
To make my heart soar
Lord, if it's all one dream from You
There are many pieces waiting
To be connected into one reality

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Exodus (Part 1)

Israel found themselves in misery
As life in Egypt spiralled down into slavery
A nation within a nation
Growing day by day in strength
Putting fear into the hearts of rulers
Who retaliated with harshness
Until the cry went up to You, Lord
And help was born in the midst of distress
A tiny little baby who would show 
The power of God


Drip, splatter, drip
As the wind blows through the rain
Landing on the roof of the house
Early this morning as I wake
To face a new spring day

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Moving Forward

A party for April 1st
To launch my first book
A celebration of choosing
A direction for life and work
Even as new directions spring up
Before me
Waiting to be explored
That would allow me to invest in people
--As the proverb says
If you want to go fast go alone
But if you want to go far go together
Thank You, Lord, that ways
Are opening up for us to go together

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Time Off

A leisurely day off
With a quiet morning at home
Before we both walked to the university
To drink a cup of tea
Overlooking the campus
Enjoying time together
Before we simply went home again
Enjoying crocuses in gardens
And the antics of squirrels in the park

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Learning to follow my heart
Is a slow process
Because somehow my brain
And the will of others around me
Seem to work together
To discourage it
Yet I will continue
Since my Lord has given me
A new heart
By which to navigate this life

Friday, March 18, 2016


How to begin a business
With friends?
The question has been following me
For quite awhile
But now the conversation
Has begun
And so we can follow it
To see where it will lead


To sing a note
And joy wells up
Releasing music around me
And the smile begins

Thursday, March 17, 2016


A young
Inspired to live

Happy birthday!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Words In The Morning

The early morning fills with words
Even as I'm enjoying the quiet
And so I am thankful for the gift
Of words on paper
So much time is spent ensuring
We know how to read and write
And so much of life opens up
When we can both interpret
Lines scratched on paper
And keep our thoughts handy
For future reference

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Book Launch

Book release becomes
Official with a party
On Friday, April 1st at First Baptist London
Keep on living through the process
Learning what is involved
Announce the book and the event
Until I'm comfortable with doing publicity
Now that I am a writer
Honing my skills for launching future books

Monday, March 14, 2016


Quiet pauses and
Conversation over tea
With a kindred soul

Sunday, March 13, 2016

New Habits

Letter writing has become
A new habit for me--
But that is only step one
As the goal is conversation
And so the waiting begins
As I wonder how many of the letters
Will be answered?
One letter and three phone calls
Have been the response so far
Which has been interesting
And so the conversation starters
Continue being written
One day and one letter at a time
The result is seriously
Adding up into a mountain
Of words shared with others

Saturday, March 12, 2016


Sixty years alive
Filling up the need to know
With noise and sparkle

Happy 60th Birthday Andrew!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Time To Think

One foot in front of the other
Taking me into a space of my own
So that my thoughts can soar with the birds
Or dig deep into my next project
Working with words
Requires time
And monotonous doing
A long walk
A long bike ride
A long drive
A long swim
A long monotonous something
Opens the mind to answering questions
Or untangling pesky knots in the brain

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Home can encourage roots to grow
As time passes in one place
But is rooting
This digging deep for the strength to grow tall
Caused by place
Or by the people in that place?
And so can those who move frequently
Feel just as rooted 
When they're with family


The introvert and conversations
Often don't go well together
If one of the persons involved
Prefers to speak non-stop

But a written conversation
Slows it down to a speed
That involves both
An ongoing dialogue
Balanced by paper and time

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


A key element involved with learning to write
Is simply to put words on paper
I've used the stream of consciousness approach
But now find a need to move outside
Just my own thoughts
And so my Mom's teaching about letter writing
Is resurfacing
And so begins a new process
Write to family and friends
To see if anyone is interested
In developing a conversation
Long distance


My walk by the river
Is filled with returning sounds
As the robins and red winged blackbirds
Have arrived back

The rubber tips are back on
My walking sticks
As the ice and snow has disappeared
From the walkways

My light jacket is out
At least for a few days
As the sun warms our space
Into spring

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


The joy of reading
Grows over time
And this Thursday
I begin again to share that joy
With a little one
Who at six years old
Simply needs some time
One on one with an adult and books


A book cover posted on Pinterest
A link to
Reality as an author draws closer
As I still await the arrival of 
My books to sell
And so it is time to move forward
To arrange a book launch
To officially present
My little mystery to others

Monday, March 7, 2016

Memories of Home

My brother posted photos
Of the old house
The one Dad built
And the memories replayed
In my mind
Trees, gardens, lying on the lawn
A bedroom overlooking the lake
[On a good day
A tiny piece of blue
Different from the sky
Could be seen over the house tops
And past the trees!]
The first place I ever had
A room of my own
(With a door that closes)
A place I could dream


Teaching draws me again
As we have been asked to share 
Encouragement from 35 years of marriage
At a couples' event
And I have been asked to tutor
A young child in grade one
Which takes my memories back
To homeschooling

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Toward Spring

The brilliant sunshine
Bouncing off snow
Has punctuated life this March
As winter and spring
Continue battling for place in our lives
Snow or melt
Overcast or sunshine that's
Beginning to hold heat
That radiates into our homes
Cosy sweaters are still wanted
But snowboots are being forgotten
At home more and more often
As the sun reaches through the
Snow piles to the very earth beneath

Friday, March 4, 2016


Best Friends Forever
Has become something to throw around 
So easily
But if the words are changed to 
Bought Free Forever
BFF becomes almost code for salvation
And the relationship standing we can have
With God
Through belief in Jesus Christ
And so also
The relationship standing we can have
With our spouse and with others in the church

Thursday, March 3, 2016


A mystery on location in London, Canada
A journal of poetry
The Bible stories for vacation Bible school
A marriage seminar by a couple
Married more than thirty-five years
The list of books to write is growing
Book one is off the press this month
Book two is at the publisher's
Books three and four are still ideas
Waiting to be written 
But with confidence I can clearly say
"I am a writer."

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Letter of Endorsement

The publisher has backed my book
With a letter of endorsement
And I'm awed by the encouragement
That has produced in me
And in Andrew
Feelings of anxiety have faded
For the moment
As the excitement returns
About a mystery novel
Published this month